CfP: Digging Schönberg – Approaches in Popular Musics, Vienna
CfP: International Conference on Media Industries, London
CfP: Unheard Melodies: Towards A Global Musicology of boys love Media
CfP: K-pop and the West: Media, Fandom, and Transnational Politics
CfP: Cities and Culture: Critically re-evaluating urban cultural policy frameworks (edited volume)
CfP: This is Me: Interrogating the Female Pop Star Documentary (Deadline: 30.06.2023)
CfP: Musik in der Schweiz in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Das Musiklexikon der Schweiz für das 21. Jahrhundert (Deadline 11.06.2023)
CfP: "Diversity in Popular Music Spheres" (Auckland/Hamilton, NZ; extended Deadline: 16.06.23) )
CfP: Rhythm Changes VIII: Jazz Encounters
CfP: Retrofuturism 2.0 Online Symposium (31 August & 1 September 2023)
CfP: The Oxford Handbook of Pop Music
CfP: "Exploration of Class, Distinction, and Habitus in Popular Culture of Central and Eastern Europe" (Prague; extended Deadline)
CfP: PANK! – (German) language in zines, punk art and punk rock, Berlin
CfP: Going Viral Summer School: Music, Emotions and Pandemics in Past and Present, Vienna
CfP: Music and Sonic Art: Seeing Sound, Hearing Sight, Manchester
CfA: GMM "Musikökosystemforschung zur Integration von Musikkultur- und Musikwirtschaftsforschung?“ (Porto)
CfP: „Musik & Politik" des Jahrbuchs für Musikwirtschafts- und Musikkulturforschung
CfP: Punk Symposium "PANK! – die (deutsche) Sprache in Zines, Kunst und Punk Rock" (Berlin)
CfP: HipHop im 21. Jahrhundert. Narrative, Mythen und Brüche. Zur Produktion von Mannigfaltigkeit.
CfP: Pop after Communism. The Transformation of Popular Culture after 1989/90 (Potsdam)