Registration Open - Sound on Screen II hybrid conference, 4-6 July Oxford Brookes University
Neuer Studiengang: Musikverlagswesen (Master), Kassel
Job: Postdoc in AI Music Musicology, Stockholm
Call for Application: Curating Diversity 3: Curating Course with Irene Revel, meLê yamomo, and guests
Call for Chapter Proposals: The Oxford Handbook of Pop Music, edited by Eric Weisbard
Call for Articles: Popular Music Songwriting as Cultural, Creative, and Economic Practice
Job: künstlerische*r Mitarbeiter*in und wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in (m/w/d), Detmold
8. IASPM D-A-CH Collegium Musicum Populare,
Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Linz - Nachbericht
Job: Lecturer (100%) in Creative Industries, Glasgow
Job: Wissenschaftliche:r Institutsassistent:in (in Fortbildung), (m/w/d)
Job: Professur (W2, 100%) für Instrumental-/Gesangspädagogik, Münster
Job: Lecturer (0,6 FTE) in Cultural Musicology, Amsterdam, nahe Deadline!
Workshop: Radio, community, power: domination and emancipation in segregated contexts (hybrid, 15.06.2023)
Job: University Practitioner in Popular Music (University of Huddersfield; Deadline: 14.06.2023)
Job: Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Popular Music (University of Huddersfield; Deadline: 14.06.2023)
Job: PhD Researcher Socially Engaged Art in Mainland China and Hong Kong (Amsterdam)
Job: PhD Researcher Indie Pop in Hong Kong (Amsterdam)
Job: PhD Researcher Queer Cinema Culture in Mainland China and Hong Kong (Amsterdam)
CfP: Musik in der Schweiz in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Das Musiklexikon der Schweiz für das 21. Jahrhundert (Deadline 11.06.2023)
CfP: "Diversity in Popular Music Spheres" (Auckland/Hamilton, NZ; extended Deadline: 16.06.23) )