CfP: Jahrestagung der AG Auditive Kultur und Sound Studies "SONIC ARCHITECTURES", Bern
CfP: Mediations of music and power in online music cultures (Södertörn University, Sweden)
CfP: isaScience 2023, Wien und online
CfP: Low End Theories: Bass Culture, Sound Systems, and Popular Music 2023 (online conference; extended deadline: 24.02.2023)
CfP: Musik und Klimawandel. Künstlerisches Handeln in Krisenzeiten (Essen, hybrid)
CfP: Horizons of Punk: Punk-Rock Scholarship and its Methodologies, Gustave Eiffel University
CfP: Innovation in Music Conference 2023 (New deadline: 05.02.2023)
CfP: Practice Research in 21st Century Music (Deadline: 10.02.2023)
CfP: Probing the Borderland. Between Popular Music and Literature
CfP: EUPOP 2023 'The Darkness Within' - Special Issue of Film, Fashion and Consumption (Journal)
CfP + CfA: Music for Girls Conference and Popular Music and Society special issue
CfP: Folk-Music Practices and Polyphonic Nationalisms in Europe (Graz)
CfP: "Videogame Music and Sound: Approaches from Latin America" Special Issue of JSMG (Journal of Sound and Music in Games)
CfP: »Musicology in Times of Trouble« Musik und Wissenschaft in Zeiten von Krankheit, Krieg und Krisen (Weimar; Deadline: 31.01.2023)
CfP: Mediations of music and power in online music cultures (Sweden)
Call for articles: The Natures of Pop (Journal of Global Pop Cultures)
CfP: Soundtracks of Our Lives: Music-Making and Musicians in Cinema of the MENA Region (Beirut)
Call for Propositions: More than words. The voices and sounds of popular music (Deadline: 16.01.2023)
CfP: Cultural dynamics, scenes and urban fabric (Angers, Frankreich)
CfP: 20 Jahre Unabhängiges Forschungskolloquium für musikwissenschaftliche Geschlechterstudien (Deadline: 15.01.2023)