Job: Two PhD positions at ANU - women in jazz or jazz and gender/sexuality studies
CfP: (Thematic issue) "Music education among refugee and migrant youths: sharing, belonging, including"
CfP: “A Century of Sound: Technology, Culture and Performance”, The 8th Global Reggae Conference
Konferenz: "Jugend - Musik - Bewegung" (AdJb, 20-22.10.2023)
Publication: New special issue Journal of World Popular Music
CfP: "The war of the waves revisited. Cultural and political uses of radio" (Deadline 15.09.2023)
Job: Five 2-year Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Zukunftskolleg, Konstanz
CfP: Konferenz "Home, Work and Music: Musical Practices in Domestic Spaces", 22-23 Feb 2024, Vienna (extended deadline: 15.09.2023)
CfP: 9th Conference of the Royal Musical Association Music & Philosophy Study Group , 11–12 July 2024 London (Deadline: 04.09.2023)
CfP: SEM Student News 19.2 "Ethnomusicology Now" (Deadline: 01.09.2023)
Online talk: Long-term memory for music, songs and language
CfP: The Journal of Beatles Studies - Open for Submissions
CfA: The Oxford Handbook of Pop Music
CfP: Home, Work and Music: Musical Practices in Domestic Spaces, Vienna, mdw
Job: W2 Systematische Musikwissenschaft, TU Dortmund
Job: Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in, Musikwissenschaft, Universität Wuppertal
Vorträge (virtuell): Pop im Deutschen Musikarchiv
Studiengang: Digitale Musikmedien im Zertifikatsstudiengang „Advanced Music Education" ab Herbst 2023 an der BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
CfP: Das Kafkaeske in den Künsten, Krems
Job: Senior Artist (w/m/d) für Ethnomusikologie (künstlerisch-wissenschaftlich), Wien, MDW