Online talk: Long-term memory for music, songs and language

Long-term memory for music, songs and language

Dr Karen M. Ludke, Edge Hill University

25.07.2023, 16:00-17:15 CEST (online only)

This talk summarises research about very long-term memory for songs, which integrate both music and language into a meaningful whole. Drawing on evidence from experimental studies as well as classroom-based research, I will provide some potential explanations for why song lyrics are capable of being retained and recalled weeks, months, or even decades later - long after other native and/or foreign language vocabulary and grammar may have been forgotten.

Karen Ludke's research and publications are centered around the incorporation of arts to bolster language learning, especially through musical activities and singing. Her published work outlines experimental studies she has carried out to teach words and phrases in a new language. This involves comparing three 'listen-and-repeat' learning conditions: speaking, rhythmic speaking, and singing.

News, TalkPenelope Braune