CfP: Born to Be Alive (Ethnomusicology Review)
CfP: SIMM-posium 5: Brussels (18-19 December 2020)
CFP: GfPM Jahrestagung "Not Ready to Make Nice", 25-27. September, Mannheim
CfP: Urban Nostalgia: The Musical City in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Paris, 3. Juli
CfP: Heroes, Canons, Cults.Critical Inquiries, 12-16 August, Reichenau a.d. Rax
CfP: No one listens to Springsteen anymore. He’s history! Paris, 18. September
CfP: Implicit Religion, Race, and Representation, Lincoln UK
CFP: Constructing and Contesting Identity, Space, and Placein the Americas and beyondUniversity of Bern, Switzerland, October 30 – 31, 2020
CFP: DEADLINE EXTENSION - Like, share and subscribe: Youtube, music and cyberculture before and after the new decade, Lisbon
CFP: isaScience 2020: Heroes, Canons, Cults Critical Inquiries, Austria, 12-16 August 2020
CFP: Transformational POP, 4. IASPM D-A-CH-Tagung/4th Biennial IASPM D-A-CH-Conference, Paderborn, 22.-24.10.2020
CfP: "Sustainability through Art.", Geneva, 24.-25. September 2020
CfP: "Die Psychologie der populären Musik" 36. DGM-Jahrestagung in Würzburg 2020
CFP: 5. Collegium Musicum Populare, 15./16.05.2020, HU Berlin
CfP: "Music and Animation", XVI Symposium for Film Music Research, Dresden, July 9 - 11, 2020
CfP: Call for papers (IASPM-ANZ 2020), University of Technology Sydney, December 7-9th, 2020
Reminder CfP: Low End Theories: Understanding Bass Music and Culture, 16 May 2020, University of Bristol, UK
CfA: "Media Subjects: How Does Media Address the Individual?", Summer School for Media Studies 2020
CFP: 15th IASPM UK and Ireland Biennial Conference: London Calling, London
CfP: “Decolonizing Europe through Music Scholarship?” / “Europa durch Musikforschung dekolonialisieren?“ September 2020 in Bonn