Scholarship: 6 Phd Positions Structured Doctoral Program „Performing Matters. Manifold Temporalities“ (mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna) Deadline: 28.02.2025
Event: Sammeln - Forschen - Publizieren: Archive populärer Musik – Realitäten und Visionen, Tagung ( 24.-25.01.2025, Lippmann+Rau-Musikarchiv Eisenach)
Job: Leiter:in Kompetenzzentrum Forschung Musikpädagogik 80-100% (HSLU Hochschule Luzern) Deadline: 31.01.2025
Scholarship: 6 Phd Positions Structured Doctoral Program „Performing Matters. Manifold Temporalities“ (mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna) Deadline: 28.02.2025
Job: Professur für Musikpädagogik (m/w/d) Bes. Gr. W 1, tenure track zu W 3, 100 % (Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Stuttgart) Deadline: 10.01.2025
Scholarship: Thyssen@KWI Fellowship (01.10.2025-31.03.2026, University Alliance Ruhr) Deadline: 28.02.2025
Publication: The Artistry and Legacy of Queen
Studies: Masterstudium 'MUSIC IN SOCIETY' ab WS 25/26 (mdw Wien) Anmeldung zur Zulassung: 3. März bis 27. Mai 2025
CfP: Transposition no. 14 (2026): “Mediterranean Byways” Music Across Borders Between Western Europe and the Maghreb; Deadline: 15.02.2025
CfP: The Past, the Present and the Future of Popular Music Research in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe – IASPM CESE (11–12.09.2025, Jagiellonian University Kraków) Deadline: 15.02.2025
Scholarship: 2 Post-Doctoral Fellowships – Islands in the Stream: Climate-related Disasters and the Rhythms of Caribbean Music Scenes (University of Venice, Italy) Deadline: 10.03.2025
Job: Associate Professorship of Music, with a Tutorial Fellowship at St. Catherine’s College (University of Oxford) Deadline: 17.01.2025
CfP: Heritage and Community – International Musicological Society, East Asian Regional Association Conference (19.-21.09.2025, Yunnan University, China) Deadline: 31.03.2025
CfP: Musical Labor and Process – 28th Annual Graduate Students in Music (GSIM) Conference (26.–27.04.2025, City University of New York, USA) Deadline: 27.01.2025
CfP: Depression in Popular Music (26-27.06.2025, Sorbonne University Paris, France) Deadline: 15.02.2025
Publikation: Carolin Geyer – Populäre Musik im Kontext von Social Media-Kurzvideos
Publikation: Popular Music in Brazil. Identity, Genres and Industry
CfP: Special Issue "Popular Music and Violent Conflict" (Popular Music History) Deadline: 31.01.2025
CfP: 18th International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology (11.-13.06.2025, University of Oslo, Norway) Deadline: 10.01.2025
CfP: Audible Futures: Media, Ecology, and Art (28.-29.03.2025, Hanyang University, Korea) Deadline 31.12.2024