Publication: Romain Garbaye, Gérôme Guibert (eds.): Musical Scenes and Social Class Debating Punk and Metal
Job: Akademische/-r Mitarbeiter/-in (w/m/d) (Potsdam; Deadline: 15.09.24)
Call for Expressions of Interest for PhD Scholarships: ‘Policing Australian Popular Music’
Pubklikation: Pfleiderer M, Schäfer-Fuß L, Kempf A, et al.: Gendergerechtigkeit im Jazz: eine Online-Umfrage unter Jazzmusiker*innen und Jazzstudent*innen in Deutschland
Job: Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor of Music Theory (Popular Music) (Indiana University; deadline: 20.09.2024)
Fellowship: Phil Ochs Fellowship
Job: Tenure-track position researcher and teacher (St. John's, Kanada;Deadline: 16.09.2024)
Event: Online Popular Music Studies Symposium "New Directions in Popular Music Studies" (06.09.2024)
Publication: Séverin Guillard, Joseph Palis, Ola Johansson (eds.): New Geographies of Music 2 Music in Urban Tourism, Heritage Politics, and Place-Making
Job: 6 Research Fellows/Senior Research Fellows in Popular Music (University of Huddersfield)
Publikation: Linus Eusterbrock/ Chris Kattenbeck/ Oliver Kautny (eds.): It's How You Flip It Multiple Perspectives on Hip-Hop and Music Education
Call for Chapters: "Meaning and meaningfulness of work in the creative industries"
Job: Assistant Professor (Department of Music, UC Berkeley; Deadline: 20.09.2024)
CfP: DC25 | Dancecult Conference, 24–25 January 2025, Berlin (Deadline: 15.09.2024)
Publication: Guy Morrow: Music Artist Managers Remuneration and Retention in the Popular Music Business
CfP: "Music and Online Cultures in a Changing Platform Ecosystem" (19–21.06.2025 Lisbon, Portugal)
Job: Professur (W 2) für Musikwissenschaft (Marburg; Deadline: 05.09.2024)
CfP: Rethinking Popular Music Production in Austria and Germany from 1930 to 1950 – Structures, Styles, and Stagings (Linz, Deadline: 08.09.24)
Job: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*in (MLU Halle Musik und Medien)
Metadaten | Metainformationen // 6. IASPM D-A-CH-Konferenz // Universität Zürich, 07.-09. November 2024 // Anmeldung