Job: W2-Professur für das Fach "Musikethnologie"
Job: PhD Candidate (m/f/d) for the Department of Music, MPI für empirische Ästhetik
Job: Studentische Hilfskraft (m/w/d) MPI für empirische Ästhetik
Praktikum: Abteilung Musik, MPI für empirische Ästhetik
Podcaster:innen gesucht für Podcastprojekt "Rubato "des DVSM
Konferenz: "Home, Work and Music: Musical Practices in Domestic Spaces" (22./23.01.24 Vienna, mdw)
Job: Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in (50 %; Halle-Wittenberg) (Deadline: 8.01.24)
CfA: Sounds in Times of War (Songerausgabe Zeitschrift "Baltic Worlds")
Publikation: Michael Rappe, Christine Stöger: „Lernen nicht, aber …“ – Zur Tanz- und Lernkultur Breaking
News: Neuer Masterstudiengang 'MUSIC IN SOCIETY' ab WS 24/25 (Wien)
Publication: Jan-Peter Herbst & Alex Vallejo: Rock Guitar Virtuosos: Advances in Electric Guitar Playing, Technology, and Culture. (open access bis 19.12.23)
CfP: 70th Annual Meeting of the DGfA/GAAS “American Soundscapes”; Panel "Beyond ‘Black CNN’: Hip-Hop Soundscapes between Lifeworld and Art World" (May 23-25, 2024, Oldenburg)
Job: Lecturer in Music Management (University of Leeds, UK)
Fellowship: ifk Junior Fellowships für das Studienjahr 2024/2025
CfP: "Materiality and the Meaning of Musical Instruments" (27.-30.06.24, Oxford)
CfA: NoiseFloor 2024 (27.-29.05.24, Lisbon, Portugal)
CfP: INSAM Journal No. 12 "Artificial Intelligence in Music, Arts, and Theory Revisited"
CfA: Epistrophy, the jazz journal – n°6 "Places for Jazz in 21st Century Europe"
CfP: Journal of Popular Music Education, Special Issue: ‘Popular Music Education in Europe’
CfA: Music and the Moving Image Conference XX (Ney York City)