CfP: Diversity of Music Heritage, Kaustinen, Finland
CfP: How Does “Your” Music Sound? Belonging, Communities, and Identities in Popular Music across Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, University of Lubljana
Jobs: 3 PhD positions, ERC Starting Grant project “The Platformization of Music: Towards a Global Theory”, University of Groningen
Symposium (hybrid): 78 rpm at home: Local perspectives on the early recording industry
CfP: Horizons of Punk: Punk-Rock Scholarship and its Methodologies, Champs-sur-Marne
Buchveröffentlichung: Becoming Noise Music, Stephen Graham
CfA: Summer School "Music, Emotions and Pandemics", Vienna 4-7 July 2023
Online-Vortrag: ‘Playing it Straight’: Rock ’n’ Roll, Ska, and the swung- to straight-quaver shift
Job: Pophistory of Decline: Promotions- oder Post-Doc-Stelle am IfZ
CfP: Out of the Box! Vom Archiv in die Musikgeschichte, Graz
Job: 13 Promotionsstellen DFG-Graduiertenkolleg "Gegenwart / Literatur - Geschichte, Theorie und Praxeologie eines Verhältnisses", Bonn
CfP: Rhythm in Music since 1900 (Canada)
CfP: International Conference “Film Music Between the Movies and the Concert Hall”, Graz
CfP: Digging Schönberg – Approaches in Popular Musics, Wien
CfP: Sound on Screen II conference, 5th -6th July 2023, Oxford Brookes University
CfP: Spaces of Dancing. Dancecult issue edited by Ben Assiter
CfP: CUMIN - Contemporary Urban Music for Inclusion Network - Conference, London
CfP: IASPM Journal special Issue. Contemporary post-Soviet popular music: Politics and aesthetics
CfP: NABMSA 2023 Music and Ideas of the Popular (Online symposium)
CfP: Jahrestagung der AG Auditive Kultur und Sound Studies "SONIC ARCHITECTURES", Bern