CfP: Eighth International Conference on Music and Minimalism (Bowling Green, 05.-08.05.2022)
CfP: "Féminisation de la chanson?" (Strasbourg, 29.-30.06.2022)
Call for Presentations (CFP): IASPM XXI 2022 in Daegu, South Korea (Deadline 31.10.2021)
CfP: Emergent femininities and masculinities in 21st century media and popular culture
CfP: Popmix, POPkultur und Religion: The Next Generation – Neue Streifzüge durch erweiterte Galaxien
CfP: Progressive Rock: Geography, Culture, Discourse (Extended Deadline: 15.01.2022)
CfP: Progressive Rock, Metal, and the Literary Imagination
CfP: 1st International Music Livelihoods Symposium 2021 (Deadline: 31.10.2021)
CfP: When I Think of Home: Race and Borders in Popular Music (21.-23.10.2022)
CfP: Women and Gender in Art Music of the Eastern Bloc: Current Perspectives, Future Directions
CfP: European Music Analysis and the Politics of Identity, Special issue of Danish Musicology Online (extended Deadline: 01.10.2021)
CfP: Pop Conference 2022 “When I Think of Home: Race and Borders in Popular Music”, New York/ USA
CfP: GMM Best Paper Award (Deadline 10.10.2021)
CfP: Special Edition Perfect Beat: Metal and Hardcore in Aotearoa and the Pacific Islands (Deadline: 20.09.2021)
CfP: Music and Antifascism: Reflections on the Past and Possibilities in the Present, Montreal
CfP: Research Networking Day 2022, CTM Berlin
CfA: “Music Production: International Perspectives”, Stockholm (Deadline: 01.09.2021)
CfP: "Weltmusik in postkolonialer Perspektive", Freiburg
CfP: „Zukunftsentwürfe in der Populärkultur. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven“, Freiburg
CfP: IASPM-US 2022 Conference "Grooves and Movements"