Call for contributions: SOUND::GENDER::FEMINISM::ACTIVISM, Tokyo
Job: Professor of Music, Melbourne
Call for Contributions: 21st Century Music Practice, CUP
CFP: Workshop-Symposium on Research Methods in Music and Emotion, Durham, UK
CfP: Ästhetischer Konservatismus im Deutschrap, Köln, 05.-06. Dezember
CfP: Rhythm in Music since 1900, 17.-18. November 2019, University of Colorado Boulder
CfP: Music and/as Process, Institute of Contemporary Music Performance (London), 26. Juli 2019
CfP: Agents and Actors: Networks in Music History. Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, June 3–5, 2020
CfP: Symposium "Come Together" Fifty Years of Abbey Road, Rochester, NY
CfP: MAPACA 2019 Annual Conference, November 7-9, 2019, Pittsburgh
CfP:Jazz and Cultural Identity: In and Out of Europe, June 7th, Lancashire
CfP: New Perspectives in Popular Music Research, University of Agder, 5-6 December
CfP: IASPM Benelux, Student Conference – Research in Music
CfP: Populäre Lieder im langen 19. Jahrhundert
Call for Speakers: Future Music Camp
CfP: International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology (SysMus), Berlin
CfP (verlängerte Deadline!): 4. IASPM D-A-CH Collegium Musicum Populare, TU Braunschweig 17.-18. Mai
CfP: 9th issue of Transposition "Sexualities"
CfP: Ka-Ching! Der Klang des Geldes, 7.–10. November 2019, Kiel
CfP: Exploring Gender Dynamics in the Music Industry, Groningen