CfP: New Perspectives in Popular Music Research, University of Agder, 5-6 December

Alumni Symposium: University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway,
5–6 December 2019

An alumni two-day symposium on new perspectives in popular music will be
held by the Department of Popular Music, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of
Agder. This marks the tenth anniversary of our PhD programme in popular
music performance, and provides an opportunity to showcase work by former
graduates, current PhD candidates, and scholars associated with music research
within the broad field of popular music studies. A keynote address by professor
Keith Negus will frame and contextualize the event. It is also envisaged that
contributors will have the opportunity to have their papers published through a
channel supported by the department.
Proposals for 20-minute presentations consisting of 200 words and a brief
biographical note (stating your qualifications and institutional affiliations)
should be received by 3 June 2019 and addressed to:
Organizing committee:
Prof. Tor Dybo
Prof. Stan Hawkins
Dr. Daniel Nordgård
Prof. Michael Rauhut
Practical information:
The symposium is free of charge and refreshments will be included.
The venue is University of Agder in Kristiansand, Norway:
The University has special rates with various hotels in Kristiansand.

CFP, NewsHelene Heuser