CfA: Music and the Moving Image Conference XX (Ney York City)
CfP: Innovation in Music 2024 (14-16.06.24, Oslo)
CfP: International Conference “New Perspectives on the Musical Analysis of the Voice” (Lyon, France, 20./21.06.24)
CfP: Musik - Stadt - Augsburg (18.-20.09.24)
CFP: ICTMD Dialogues 2024: Towards Decolonizing Music and Dance Studies (Deadline: 30.11.23)
CfA: Archives, Access, and Ethnomusicology (MUSICultures Special Issue Call for Papers)
Call for Student Contributions: Konferenz »Klima | Klang | Transformation. Neue Diskurs- und Erfahrungsräume zwischen Musik und Wissenschaft«
CfP: Droppin’ Science: Hip Hop Ciphering and Deciphering (05/2024, Ireland)
CfP: RMA Study Group Music and/as Process (06/2024, UK)
CfP: Feminist Theory and Music (FT&M) 17 on the theme of “Urgency” (06/24, USA)
CfP: "Joy as Resistance" (Journal of Festive Studies Issue 7)
Call for Chapters: “Problematic” Punk: NOFX’s Forty Years of Punk Provocations
CfP: Pop Cultures, Fan Studies, and Creative Industries (Special Issue Brazilian Creative Industries Journal)
Call for Chapters: Moving Keys: Player Pianos in the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America
Call for Chapter Proposals: Routledge Handbook of Music, Culture and Politics in Latin America
CfP: „Lyrik, Musik und Klangkunst: Neuere mediale Konstellationen“ (20.- 22.06.2024, Hamburg)
Call for Chapters: Nostalgia and Song: Production, Text, Reception and the Quest for Home
CfP: SEM Student News 19.2 "Ethnomusicology Now" (Deadline: 01.09.2023)
CfA: The Oxford Handbook of Pop Music
Call for Chapters: Bad Religion: Punk Politics, Philosophy, and Pedagogy