Publication: Laura Way, Matt Grimes: Punk, Ageing and Time
CfP: 21st Century Music Practice conference on Commercial Electronic Musical Instruments (9+10.09.2024, London)
Talk: IASPM Benelux POP TALKS 14 with Dr Maria Perevedentseva (University of Salford), 16.05.24 hybrid
Publication: Background Music Cultures in Finnish Urban Life
Job: Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in - Institut für Kirchenmusik und Musikwissenschaft (Greifswald)
CfP: Rhythm under the Microscope: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Microrhythm and Groove in Popular Music (25-27.09.24, Vienna)
CfP: The Taylor Swift Unconference (4-6 July, Amsterdam)
Job: PhD candidate (4 years, 100%) & a Postdoctoral researcher (2 years, 100%), Fribourg, Switzerland
Job: Senior Lecturer in Musicology, Upsala
CfP: Rhythm under the Microscope, Wien
CfP: 48th ICTMD World Conference Wellington, New Zealand
CfP: Special issues "A chrono-urbanist approach to arts and culture", Cities Journal
Job: Lecturer in Global Arts, Media & Writing Studies, Merced
Job: Universitätsassistent_in (PraeDoc), Wien
Job: Tenure-Track-Stelle für Gender Studies, Schwerpunkt Performing Arts/Performativity Studies, Wien
CfP: “The Evolution of Sound”? Soundkulturelle Praktiken in Social Media-Mikroformaten
CfP: Popular Music Theory & Analysis Summer School 3, Liverpool
Konferenz: Music, Media, and Narrative in the Streaming Age
CfP: Music Ecosystem Research: Challenges and Opportunities (15th International Music Business Research Days (2024), Hannover)
CfP: Histories of Electronic Musical Instruments (A Routledge/Focal Press Series)