Talk: Music and the Contemporary Far-Right: Culture, Continuity, Change – 16th IASPM Benelux POP TALK (05.03.2025, online)

16th IASPM Benelux POP TALK
March 5th at 16-17h CET

Music and the Contemporary Far-Right: Culture, Continuity, Change
by Sam de Boise (School of Music, Theatre and Art, Örebro University, Sweden)


Music has historically been used by the far-right to spread political messaging, finance political activities and recruit members. Despite declining attendance to physical events, far-right music has grown significantly online. There is also evidence that the music styles associated with the far-right have changed considerably over the last ten years. However, it is currently unclear as to what music is most commonly being adopted by far-right adherents, what appeals to listeners and how digital technologies have influenced these trends. Using quantitative and qualitative data from far-right forums, music critics and literature from 2010 - 2024, it suggests that there is no coherent relationship between far-right politics and musical preferences. This is a result of digitalisation, active far-right strategy and the fragmented nature of the contemporary far-right. However, it suggests that aesthetic judgments around musical value, across factions, are more likely to be focused around certain genres as they afford interpretation within a particular metapolitical worldview.

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News, TalkHelene Heuser