CfP: Study Days in Ludomusicology for the Study of Music and Play (4./5.10.24 Palma de Mallorca)

I Study Days in Ludomusicology for the Study of Music and Play
4th and 5 thOctober 2024
Conservatori Superior de Música de les Illes Balears (Palma de Mallorca)


Deadline for submissions: 3rd June 2024.

Despite being a young field of study, ludomusicology counts with a growing body of research associations and literature that, in recent years, have gained particular significance in video game research. Nevertheless, as the prefix ludo- suggests, the discipline's scope and interest encompass the study of games and play in all its forms. Following this, the first Ludomusicology Study Days welcomes multidisciplinary research and practical proposals that allow the exploration of this musicological subdiscipline from various perspectives, ranging from ethnomusicology to music education, composition, or performance.

The LudoSpain Research Group, affiliated to SIBE, proposes an event dedicated to the study of music and play, in which ethnomusicologists, educators, composers, and professionals from any sector related to music or games can participate.

The areas that proposals can engage with include:

  • Contributions to ludo-musical theory;

  • Games and music forms and formats;

  • Traditional games and music;

  • Boardgames and music;

  • Children’s games and music;

  • Music games for the classroom;

  • Education and gamification;

  • Applied experiences with music and games;

  • Video games and music;

  • Artificial Intelligence, music, and games;

  • Composition for games;

  • Music in ludic context and experiences;

  • Sports and music;

  • Other proposals.

Participation Modalities:

  • Paper: A presentation dedicated to the communication of finalized or ongoing work, to be delivered in a 20-minute slot. Proposals must include a 200-word abstract.

  • Panel: A participatory format in which different authors can present their work on a cross-cutting theme, within a 60-minute session. Proposals must include a 200-word abstract + individual 150-word abstracts for each intervention.

  • Workshops: Theoretical-practical intervention sessions that offer the opportunity to develop ideas or explore new trends in a participatory manner. Experimental and professional proposals are also accepted. A detailed proposal of approximately 600 words must be submitted, including objectives, planning, necessary resources, participants, and estimated time.

  • Performances: Musical and performative interventions that refer to the stipulated theme lines, to be delivered within a 20-minute timeframe. Proposals must include a 200-word summary and a link to a recent performance by the participants, as well as indication of space and material requirements.

All proposals must be forwarded to ludomusicologia[at]gmail[dot]com.

Proposals can be submitted in Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese, or English. (We encourage the inclusion of English subtitles on the presentations in case of acceptance).

The event will take place at the Conservatori Superior de Música de les Illes Balears (C/ d'Alfons el Magnànim, 64, 07004 Palma, Illes Balears) between the 4th and 5th of October 2024, in a physical format.

Deadline for submissions: 3rd June 2024.

Acceptance notifications: 21 st June 2024.

Registration will be open from the 25 th of June 2024
If you are not a member of SIBE, we encourage you to register to become part of the ethnomusicological scientific community: