CfP: IASPM-IT Conference "Everyday music, today: Popular music, sounds and soundscapes of our time" ( 8-9.11.2024, Bologna)

The Italian Branch of IASPM is accepting abstracts for the next IASPM-IT Conference taking place in Bologna, Auditorium DAMSLab (Piazzetta P.P. Pasolini, 5/b) on November 8-9th.

Its title is "La musica di ogni giorno, oggi: Popular music, suoni e paesaggi sonori del nostro tempo" (Everyday music, today: Popular music, sounds and soundscapes of our time) and there is still time to send abstracts until June 20th (extended deadline, so don't mind other deadlines posted elsewhere). For more information on the themes covered by the conference see the complete call available here:

The official language of the conference is Italian, so this message is mainly directed to our Italian - or Italian-speaking - friends around the world. This will be an important occasion to meet and keep the study of popular music in Italy alive and vibrant!

*Important dates*
- Deadline: June 20th, 2024 (extended)
- Notification of the outcome: July 15th, 2024
- Publication of the programme: September 1st, 2024

*Proposals must include:*
- Title of the paper
- Abstract (max. 250 words)
- 5 keywords
- A short biography (max. 100 words)

Accepted formats are 20-minutes papers or, alternatively, thematic panels.
Proposals must be sent to: segreteria[at]iaspmitalia[dot]net

Conference fee: 25€
Applicants must be members of IASPM.

*Organizing committee:*

  • Anna Scalfaro (DAR – Università di Bologna)

  • Jacopo Tomatis (Chair of IASPM Italia – Università di Torino).

In collaboration with the executive committee of IASPM Italia: Guglielmo Bottin (Università di Milano), Milena Cassella (Sapienza Università di Roma), Gabriele Marino (Università di Torino), Sergio Mazzanti (Università di Macerata).

*Scientific committee:*
Alessandro Bratus (Università di Pavia), Maurizio Corbella (Università di Milano), Francesco D’Amato (Sapienza Università di Roma), Simona Frasca (Università di Napoli «Federico II»), Giacomo Manzoli (Università di Bologna), Gabriele Marino (Università di Torino), Stefano Marino (Università di Bologna), Roberta Paltrinieri (Università di Bologna), Gianni Sibilla (Università Cattolica), Lucio Spaziante (Università di Bologna), Nico Staiti (Università di Bologna).

More information can be found here.