Conference: Practice Research in 21st Century Music – program and videos online

Practice Research in 21st Century Music



The program and many of the videos are now on the website for the Practice Research in 21st Century Music conference: 

As a reminder, the conference format is like the 'flipped classroom- you view the papers as 20 minute videos before you attend the conference and the sessions involve a quick precise by each of the presenters and then a long discussion chaired by a discussant / moderator. The aim is for the conference face-to-face time being used for discussion rather than the one-sided communication of presentations.

There are sessions on Creative Entrepreneurship, Composition & Songwriting, Performance, Music Technology, Workflows & Tools, Pedagogy and Methodology & Practice. If you want to come along and join the discussion, registration is £25 and the conference runs from 9:30 to 5:30 at the University of West London on Saturday 20th May.

Register at: 

Please also book a place on Eventbrite: 

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Simon (Zagorski-Thomas)