CfA: Women & Music: A Journal of Gender and Culture (Deadline: 07.07.2021)

Women & Music: A Journal of Gender and Culture is now accepting submissions for volume 26 (2022).

Deadline: 07.07.2021

The journal is particularly interested in work that provides a critical perspective on music and/or sound, and in work that considers the role of gender, sexuality, race, citizenship, class, or other cultural and social factors in the production, circulation, historicization, or consumption of music. Women & Music is an annual publication, published by the University of Nebraska Press.

The journal welcomes stand-alone academic articles, as well as shorter, thematically-linked pieces, poetry, original artwork, and short scores or musical extracts that have not been previously published. Stand-alone articles are typically 6K-10K words; longer pieces may be considered in consultation with the editor. Scores should be no more than five pages long, and formatted to fit the 7 ¼” x 4 ¼” printed area of the journal’s pages. Musical contributions should be written by female-identifiying composers or address issues of gender or sexuality in some form.

Submissions should be sent by July 7th to WAM’s Editorial Collective at WAMjournal @, which includes Lisa Barg (McGill University), Kimberley White (McGill University), and Vanessa Blais-Tremblay (Université du Québec à Montréal).
Books for review should be sent to the Book Review Editor; for the mailing address contact Laura Risk (University of Toronto-Scarborough) directly at laura.risk @

Vanessa Blais-Tremblay, PhDCo-editor-in-chief of Women and Music
Professeure associée, Département de musique, Université du Québec à Montréal
Co-rédactrice-en-chef, Women and Music : A Journal of Gender and Culture
Nouveau! DIG! Différences et inégalités de genre dans la musique au Québec

News, CFPPenelope Braune