CfP: 2021 Digital Lectures Call *updated deadline* June 15

2021 Digital Lectures Call
*updated deadline* June 15

More information here

For an upcoming special issue, the Journal of Popular Music Studies requests digital lecture submissions. By digital lectures we mean the relatively short (10-20 minutes) presentations, combining narration, PowerPoint slides, and often an on-camera appearance by the speaker, that have replaced in-person conference talks during the Covid-19 pandemic. For example, all of the presentations at the 2021 conference of our sponsoring organization, IASPM-US, will be digital lectures, as will at least some of the presentations at the 2021 Pop Conference. In the Field Notes section of JPMS issue 33.1, we highlighted some exceptional early examples of digital lectures, which illustrate some of the range of what’s possible.

We’re interested in this form because of its novelty and usefulness to popular music studies. Digital lectures combine analysis, examples, and writerly-scholarly performance. Some are highly produced and full of audio and video clips. Others are much more reliant on the presenter’s delivery – their voice. The goal of this call is to showcase a range of digital lectures and give ourselves the opportunity to consider different approaches to the form and whether it might prove useful even when we are able to safely gather again. We’re particularly interested in hearing how people under-represented in popular music studies might use this form to get their message across in a style that more traditional conference presentations would not allow.

Please send us completed digital lectures, since we can’t really evaluate the success of a presentation of this sort from an abstract alone. However, use a method that you’re comfortable re-creating since we reserve the right to request a round of edits. The submissions will be reviewed by the editorial team, rather than outside reviewers, for inclusion in our non-peer-reviewed “Field Notes” section.

The deadline for submissions is June 15, 2021. We encourage IASPM-US and Pop Conference presenters to submit their conference videos, and people are also encouraged to send presentations from other 2020-2021 gatherings (please just confirm that submitting your talk does not violate those conferences’ policies). You will be asked to submit your work to a link set up for streaming video. We’ll respond quickly, offer feedback, and look for final versions by mid-summer, for inclusion in JPMS issue 33.4 in December.

The submission form is available here.

CFP, NewsPenelope Braune