IASPM Benelux - Online Kolloquium

In May of this year, IASPM Benelux should have held its international conference in Antwerp (Belgium). For well-known reasons this was postponed to October, but also this is not to be. Our conference will happen next year, in October 2021, but we want to stay connected with you! Therefore, IASPM Benelux is launching an online colloquium series we’re calling IASPM Pop Talks.

We are pleased to invite you to the first event in the series, “(Re-)Connecting Popular Music Studies in Times of Crises,” which will take place online on Wednesday 9 December 2020 from 17:00–19:00 (CET). A selection of popular music scholars and representatives from the Benelux region will share reflections on the ways they and their work have been affected, negatively or positively, by the new practices and policies of the pandemic period, the consciousness-raising that has been occurring globally around gender, music/sound in relation to the climate crisis, and populism as a potential threat to democracy. We will reserve a sizable portion of the event for open discussion as well.

What?: IASPM Benelux Pop Talks 1: (Re-)Connecting Popular Music Studies in Times of Crises (https://www.iaspmbenelux.org/news-3/iaspm-benelux-presents-pop-talks)

When?: 9 December 2020, 17:00–19:00 (CET)

Where?: online (via Zoom)

How?: registration via Oliver Seibt (F.O.Seibt@uva.nl)

We are pleased to announce the (preliminary) program:

  • Kristin McGee (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) – Aestheticizing the Climate Emergency in Music Video

  • Marion Wasserbauer (Universiteit Antwerpen) – Flexibility and leitmotifs: Reflections on traveling through academic disciplines, zooming in on LGBTQ-topics, and background music

  • Koos Zwaan (Hogeschool Inholland) – Education in time of crises: Living Labs as a vehicle for designing solutions to wicked problems, but where’s the music?

  • Britt Swartjes (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam) – Uncertain festival futures: How festival organizers navigate loss in times of crisis

  • Berend Schans (VNPF) – Covid-19 impact on Dutch venues and festivals

  • Sydney Schelvis (Universiteit van Amsterdam) – Club Corona: Reimagining and romanticising club culture when there is none

  • Melanie Schiller (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) & Mario Dunkel (Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg) – Crisis as obstacle and opportunity: Popular music and populism in Europe during the Covid-19 pandemic

Please notify us of your attendance before 4 December 2020 via Oliver Seibt (F.O.Seibt@uva.nl). Upon registration, you will receive the Zoom link (ID and password).

We look forward to meeting you (online)!

The IASPM Benelux board

Oliver Seibt - Chair IASPM Benelux

Chris Tonelli - Secretary IASPM Benelux

Femke Vandenberg - Treasurer IASPM Benelux

Matthias Heyman - Media liaison IASPM Benelux

Melanie Schiller - Member-at-large

we’re online! Visit us on our website, Facebook or Twitter.

NewsPenelope Braune