Tagung: "Akustische Interfaces", HU Berlin (04.-06.05.2022)
Vortrag: JESSICA NUPEN im Podiumsgespräch - Dance | Rap | Opera THE NOSE (hybrid)
Symposium: South African Opera and Globalisation (1994–2022) (online)
Interdisciplinary Workshop: Possibilities and Limitations of Digital Annotation Tools for Audio-Visual Material with a Focus on Sound and Music, Mainz (hybrid)
Summer School on "Diversity in Arts, Culture and Media Studies", 02./03. June 2022, Rotterdam
Studienworkshop in Prag "Czech and European Music between Political Agitation and Autonomy 1938–1968" (extended Deadline: 05.04.2022)
CfP: KISMIF Conference + Summer School "DIY Cultures, Sustainability, and Artistic Ecosystems"
IASPM-Canada: "The 2021-2022 Popular Music Futures", Online Speaker Series (March Events)
Danpop seminar: Seminar on music, migration, and the city (online, 4. März 2022)
Spring School 2022 | Early Career Women* in Popular Music Research, Lüneburg
UWI/UL International Summer School: 'Cultures and Politics of Protest', Jamaika (Deadline: 11.02.2022)
IAPMS Online Workshop vol. 12: "K-pop in China in the mobile internet period: Internet platforms, the “Korea Ban”, and the K-pop-formatted Chinese idol industry" (10.02.2022)
IASPM February 2022 Research Seminar: Memory and Machines: Perspectives on Narratives and Aesthetics in Popular Music, 17.02.2022
Talk: IASPM Research Seminar: Perspectives On The Politics of Popular Music (online, 16.12.2021)
Talk: Listening to Bodies in Non-Feminist Women (Barcelona/online, 16.12.2021)
Book Launch: 33 1/3 Europe (online, 07.01.2022)
Lecture: "Populismus kritisieren": Ondrej Daniel: Music of the "Normalized" Far Right (online, 11.01.2022)
Vortrag: Andy Battentier: "Making the Show Go on: A Sociology of Sound Technicians" (online, 30.11.2021)
Talk: "[Dr]illing In The Name Of: the criminalisation of ONEFOUR" (17.11.2021, online)