CfA: Listening to the Rising Right: Populist Rebels, Fascist Countercultures, and the Global Sounds of Right Wing Music
Call for Chapter/Proposals: "Music and Sustainability"
CfP: Histories of Electronic Musical Instruments (A Routledge/Focal Press Series)
CfA: Special Issue of Rock Music Studies, Authenticity as Process
CfA: Performance Research Special Issue
CfA: Special Issue “Popular Brass Music in the 21st Century”, Journal of World Popular Music
CfP: "Game Over? – Dystopia x Utopia x Video Games" (14.-16.11.2024 Salzburg)
Call for Articles and Multimedial Submissions (Sammelband): "Auditive Erinnerungskulturen: Musikalische und klangliche Erinnerungen an die Zeit des Nationalsozialismus"
CfA: Special Issue “Popular Brass Music in the 21st Century”, Journal of World Popular Music
Call for Authors: British Pop Archive
CfP: Fachgruppensymposium “Musikethnologie und Vergleichende Musikwissenschaft” (11.-14.09.2024, Köln)
CfP: Vol. 25 Nr. 2 "Semiotics of Music and problems of musical significance" der Revista Argentina de Musicología
CfP: Special Issue of Cultural Trends on 'Basic Income for Artists'
CfP: The 2024 IASPM UK & Ireland Biennial Conference "Place, Perspective and Popular Music" (Deadline: 16.02.24)
CfP: Special issue of Popular Music on "Creative Music Practice Across Platforms" (Spring 2025)
CfA: "Popular Music and Musical Notation"
CfP: 6. IASPM D-A-CH-Konferenz: "Metadaten | Metainformationen. Populäre Musik und ihre Metamorphosen" (Zürich, 7.-9.11.2024)
CfA: Sounds in Times of War (Songerausgabe Zeitschrift "Baltic Worlds")
CfP: 70th Annual Meeting of the DGfA/GAAS “American Soundscapes”; Panel "Beyond ‘Black CNN’: Hip-Hop Soundscapes between Lifeworld and Art World" (May 23-25, 2024, Oldenburg)
CfP: "Materiality and the Meaning of Musical Instruments" (27.-30.06.24, Oxford)