CfP: Ethnomusicology Ireland (Issue EI 11, 2026) Deadline: 01.09.2025

Ethnomusicology Ireland is the open-access, online, and peer-reviewed journal of ICTMD Ireland. We are now accepting contributions for the planned publication of EI 11 in 2026. For this issue, EI welcomes new research on the topic of broadcasting music and dance (contributions addressing any form of traditional or new media broadcasting are encouraged). We are particularly interested in contributions that address one or more of the following themes:

  • History and commemoration. 2026 coincides with the 100th year anniversary of the establishment of 2RN (as Irish public broadcaster RTÉ was first named). To mark this milestone – one shared by many public broadcasters around the world in this decade – we invite contributions that reflect on local and international histories, approaches to commemoration, archives, and the futures of music and dance in public service broadcasting.

  • Sustainability. This theme invites contributions that address the economic, social, and environmental sustainability of broadcasting, of music, and of dance traditions. This could include addressing public policy, regulatory frameworks, changing funding models, precarity, DIY culture and aesthetics, and curatorial practices.

  •  Technologies of sound and space. This theme invites historical and historiographic reflection and theorisation on mediations between sounds, technologies, and human and non-human worlds. Contributions might consider continuities and disjunctures that continue to define making and broadcasting sound and movement, the relationship between old and new technologies (e.g., analogue and digital radio, television, podcasting, streaming platforms), preservation modalities, and human agency and aesthetics.

  • Remembering and forgetting broadcast experience. This theme invites consideration of archives in their many guises – from institutional repositories and listener-generated recordings, to the embodied knowledge that is passed between practitioners and their apprentices. Contributions might consider the formation of archives, preservation policies, collecting practices, and un/intentional mechanisms for forgetting, as well as the relationships that shape how knowledge and experience are transmitted between generations of broadcasters, musicians, dancers, and their audiences.

  • Reception and audiences. From models of radio as a two-way medium (Bertholt Brecht, 1932) to models of cross-platform, crowdsourced, and interactive content production in the 21st century, the nature of audiences has been a persistent concern for broadcasters, policy makers, scholars, and critics alike. This theme invites consideration of how audiences are imagined, relationships with and between audiences, exploration of participatory models of production, the audience’s role in remembering and in (re)constructing archives of content, or any new research related to reception and audiences.

  • New research addressing theories, histories, and practices at the intersection of broadcasting, music, and dance.

Submissions from all levels of research are welcome and the editorial board particularly encourages submissions from postgraduate and early career researchers. Articles should be between 5000 and 8000 words (including all endnote and bibliographic material). A detailed style guide is available at

Final articles should be submitted to specialissue[at]ictmd[dot]ie by 1 September 2025. Interim inquiries/proposals are gladly received by the editors.

This issue of the journal is guest-edited by Helen Gubbins and Rebecca Draisey-Collishaw, along with an editorial team working under the Irish national committee of the ICTMD.

We are also now commissioning and accepting suggestions for reviews. Please direct your queries to reviewsei[at]ictmd[dot]ie.

The editorial team looks forward to reviewing your submissions.

CFP, NewsHelene Heuser