Popular Music History journal editor

Popular Music History journal editor


Catherine Strong and Shane Homan are stepping down as editors of the Popular Music History journal after 6 years at the helm. They are seeking new editor(s) with a strong commitment to maintaining an exciting forum for popular music history that encompasses a range of disciplines and intellectual trajectories. 

Popular Music History is one of five music journals published by Equinox, with two issues per year. Catherine and Shane will work with the new editor(s) to ensure a smooth transition with relevant Equinox staff, and the online journal publication system. The journal is behind its publishing schedule as a result of COVID and related issues, but does have a double special issue in train along with other articles in the review process. They would encourage new editors to pursue new ideas about issue themes/topics and are happy to discuss these. 

If you are interested in the editor role, please email a one page summary of your interest in the journal and recent CV to Shane.Homan[at]monash. For any queries about the role, please contact Shane at Shane.Homan[at]monash.edu.

News, JobPenelope Braune