Publication: Switched On: The Dawn of Electronic Sound by Latin American Women

Switched On: The Dawn of Electronic Sound by Latin American Women

210 pages, hardcover
More information here.

Authors: Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda, Lílian Campesato, Susan Campos Fonseca, Susana Sánchez Carballo, Constanza Castagnet, Cristina Collazos, Daniela Fugellie, Isabelia Herrera, Nicole L’Huillier, Alma Laprida, Marcela Perrone, Marcela Lucatelli, Ana María Romano G., Adaivis Marrón Pérez, Jacqueline Nova, Sofía Scheps, Madelline Sevilla, Natasha Tiniacos, Paola Torres Núñez del Prado, Gabi Yaya.

We present the first book dedicated exclusively to the female protagonists of Latin American electronic music. The book has been edited by independent curator, researcher and label head of Buh Records, Luis Alvarado, and experimental musician, multimedia artist and researcher Alejandra Cardenas. Composers and sound artists featured in this historical account include:
Alicia Urreta, Beatriz Ferreyra, Elsa Justel, Eulalia Bernard, Graciela Castillo, Hilda Dianda, Ileana Pérez Velázquez, Irina Escalante Chernova, Iris Sagüesa, Jacqueline Nova, Jocy de Oliveira, Leni Alexander, Margarita Paksa, Marietta Veulens, Mónica O’Reilly Viamontes, Nelly Moretto, Oksana Linde, Patricia Belli, Renée Pietrafesa Bonnet, Rocío Sanz Quirós, Teresa Burga, Vania Dantas Leite, among others.

News, PublicationHelene Heuser