CfP: British Forum for Ethnomusicology (BFE) and Royal Musical Association (RMA) Research Students’ Conference ‘Identities’ (Cardiff; Deadline: 15.09.2023)

British Forum for Ethnomusicology (BFE) and Royal Musical Association (RMA) Research Students’ Conference ‘Identities’
10–12 January 2024, Cardiff University, School of Music
Call for Proposals submission deadline: 15 September 2023

The BFE and RMA Research Students’ Conference will be hosted by Cardiff University’s School of Music, on 10–12 January 2024. This will be a fully in-person event to allow networking and social interaction to take place, and to foster connections across a variety of music sub-disciplines. However, there may be some limited online provision for those participants for whom it would be difficult, logistically and/or financially, to attend in person.

The conference theme is ‘Identities’, inspired by Wales’s strong sense of place and national identity. However, our theme also encompasses identities in its broadest form, spanning the personal and local to wider geographical and cultural contexts. Therefore, the concept of identity is yours to explore, and we warmly welcome performance, composition and paper proposals that reflect on the concept of identities from a wide range of different perspectives. The theme is intended only as a stimulus: there is no requirement to make research fit into the theme, and all submissions will be treated equally on their merit whether they address it or not.

For further details, visit our website.