CfP: Compositions and Performances, Thirteenth Biennial International Conference on Music Since 1900; Leuven

CfP: Compositions and Performances, Thirteenth Biennial International Conference on Music Since 1900; Leuven, Belgium

13–15 September 2024, KU Leuven

Deadline for proposals: 28 January 2024

Keynote Speakers:
Professor J. Peter Burkholder (Indiana University Bloomington)
Professor Yayoi Uno Everett (Graduate Center and Hunter College, City University of New York)
The Department of Musicology at the University of Leuven (KU Leuven) invites proposals for the Thirteenth Biennial International Conference on Music Since 1900. The conference series focuses on music since 1900 in its broadest sense and intends to reflect the diversity of musics produced in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. We welcome proposals on any musical genres, drawing on any scholarly approach, and would particularly encourage submissions related to the following themes:
- Composers with anniversaries in 2024, such as Charles Ives, Arnold Schoenberg and Julia Perry
- Global perspectives on music since 1900
Other potential topics include but not limited to:
- Compositional research
- Concert-hall repertoire
- Experimental and avant-garde music
- Folk and popular traditions
- Music and technology
- Music on stage and screen
- Performance and reception studies
Proposals are accepted for the following presentation formats:
- Individual papers (20 minutes, plus 10 minutes for discussion)
- Themed sessions (3 papers of 20 minutes each, plus 10 minutes per paper for discussion)
- Roundtable discussions (90 minutes per session, with position papers of ca. 10 minutes each plus discussion)
- Performance-based presentations (45 minutes including questions)
- Self-presented/performed compositions (up to 20 minutes, plus discussion)
Each proposal should include:
- Paper and/or session title(s)
- The author’s name and affiliation (if any)
- The author’s/convenor’s email address
- Paper abstract(s) of no more than 250 words
 *   For themed sessions and roundtable discussions, an additional panel description of max. 200 words is required
 *   For performance-based presentations, the word limit would be 350 words. Please include the name of participants and the repertoire to be performed
 *   For compositions, please use the abstract to outline the research elements of the work and send it alongside a pdf document of the score.
- Short biographical text(s) of the presenters/participants involved (no more than 150 words each)
- Any technical requirements
Please send your proposals to MS1900[at] by 28 January 2024.
Proposals should be sent as a single MS Word document. Please include your surname as the first word of the filename (e.g. LEE_paper/session title.docx). Proposals will be reviewed anonymously and we aim to communicate the outcome in March 2024.
The conference is planned as an in-person event, but we would intend to host a number of online-only sessions (with streaming of the others) for those who are unable to travel. Please enquire upon receiving the notice of acceptance.
The conference will feature a programme of performances and activities.

CFP, NewsPenelope Braune