Job: Assistant Professor in Musicology (Popular Music Studies) (Copenhagen)

Assistant Professor in Musicology (popular music studies)
Deadline: 01.02.2023

The Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Humanities at the University of Copenhagen invites applications for a 3-year fixed-term assistant professor position in Musicology from 1 September 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Job description
We are seeking a music scholar, appointable at the level of assistant professor (3-year fixed-term), with a specialization in music and digitalization. The successful candidate should have research and teaching expertise in one or more of the following areas: digital sound and music production, digital media and music technology, including software and hardware, distribution and reception and other relevant areas.

Teaching responsibilities will include both general introductory courses at the BA level and special topics courses at the BA and MA levels.

The successful candidate will have a strong understanding of the current positions in and history of the field of popular music studies, and an awareness of ongoing theoretical and methodological developments and challenges therein. The candidate will demonstrate a commitment to understanding the role of pop music studies within the UCPH Musicology programme and the corresponding pedagogical issues involved.

We seek a colleague with experience integrating digital musical practice into research and/or teaching contexts, or a desire to develop this facet of their research and pedagogy. Practices are understood here broadly as all examples of digitalization in musical, sonic and music cultural fields or other digital musical practices, and as practices related to professional musical life, the music industry, and the labour market.

Musicology at the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies at the University of Copenhagen is characterised by research and teaching that encompasses the study of all music and sound(s) that can be perceived aesthetically. You will be part of a research and teaching environment that includes musicological study of art and popular music traditions, ethnomusicology, and sound studies.

There is also a vacancy for a 3-year fixed-term assistant professor in Musicology with a focus on Western art music history, and an equivalent level of competency in research and teaching.

The post of assistant professor requires research qualifications at least equivalent to those acquired through the completion of doctoral studies in this field.

The assistant professor must be able to participate in the general administration of the institute, in examinations and in assessment committees.

The duties of the position will be divided equally between teaching and research (including related administration and dissemination). The assessment of applications will therefore focus on proven competences and work in these two areas (see further below).

In addition, the following professional and personal qualifications will be taken into account:

  • research skills and the degree of originality and scope of the scientific output

  • the applicant's scientific output, professional breadth and depth, rigour, thoroughness and accuracy

  • proven teaching skills, (including ability to teach in English and Danish). See the faculty's pedagogical charter:

  • experience and qualifications in disseminating research, sharing knowledge and engaging with the general public, media and policy

  • proven administrative skills

Applicants are encouraged to read the University of Copenhagen's guidelines for the preparation of teaching portfolios which can be found here:

Applicants will be assessed primarily on their research, which must be documented at an international level. Teaching qualifications are not a requirement, but proven teaching experience will be taken into account in the overall assessment. In addition, qualifications in terms of dissemination and external relations, including the ability to attract external funding, will be considered.

Non-Danish speakers must acquire the necessary Danish language skills within a shorter period of time (3-6 years).

Read more about the qualification requirements for assistant professor positions in this document on the positions for academic staff at universities 2019 right here:

Six general criteria apply to the recruitment of adjuncts at the University of Copenhagen. The six criteria (research, teaching, societal impact, organisational contribution, external funding and management) are considered as a framework for an overall assessment of the applicant. In addition, each applicant must be assessed according to the specific requirements listed in this list of criteria.

Read about KU's criteria for assistant professors here.

Further information about the position can be obtained from the Head of Department Helle Munkholm Davidsen, e-mail: hmd[at]hum.ku[dot]dk.

Send your application electronically via the "Apply for a job” link at the bottom of the page.
The material must be in Adobe PDF or Word format. ZIP files cannot be uploaded.

The application must include the following attachments:

  • Application form

  • CV

  • Documentation of formal qualifications (diploma/PhD)

  • Complete and numbered list of publications. Included works are marked with an asterisk*.

  • Research plan, including a brief description of previous research and a plan for the next years. Include a description of the research organisation efforts, establishment of research seminars, symposia and congresses, etc.

  • Documentation of teaching qualifications and research dissemination (organisation of courses, teaching materials, conduct of courses and other teaching)

  • List of publications. Applicants may select a maximum of 5 publications to be considered for adjunct positions, of which at least 2 of the selected works must have been published within the last 5 years before the application deadline. The date of publication must be clearly marked on the publication list. The selected publications must be uploaded as attachments and numbered from 1-5

If the publication has one or more authors or is the result of a collective effort, the part of the work for which the applicant is responsible must be clearly indicated. In exceptional cases, the faculty may request a statement from the co-authors on the extent and nature of their contribution to the work.

Only material in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, English, German and French will be assessed.

Employment process
After the deadline for applications, the appointing Hiring Manager, with the advice of the Appointment Committee, will select the applicants who will proceed to the evaluation stage. Applicants will be selected on the basis of an overall assessment of which candidates best match the recruitment needs of the faculty and the qualifications required as set out in the vacancy notice. This is compared with the applicant's research and teaching profile, as set out in their CV, publication list, teaching portfolio and research plan. All applicants will be informed immediately whether their application has been forwarded to a peer review panel for assessment. Selected applicants will be informed of the composition of the committee and each applicant will be given the opportunity to comment on the part of the assessment which concerns them.

Further information on the procedure can be obtained from HR, e-mail:, please quote case number 211-0307/22-2A

Salary and conditions of employment
Recruitment will be based on the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC). In addition, a total pension contribution of 17.1% of salary and pensionable allowances will be allocated. It is possible to negotiate salary supplements on an annual basis.

UCPH wishes to encourage everyone interested in this post to apply, regardless of personal background.

The closing date for applications is 1 February 2023  23:59 CET.

Applications or additional material received after this date will not be considered.

Job, NewsPenelope Braune