Publication: New Issue "Urban People (2022 24/2)"
The new English edition of the international anthropological journal Lidé města / Urban People (2022 24/2)
The new issue covers a wide range of topics, from racialized policing in Rotterdam, and homelessness and precarious work in Japan, to the social life of Jewish music records from 1948 Czechoslovakia. It also includes two creative ethnographies: a short story about European traveling circuses, and a play script interrogating the interrelation between performance art, politics, state-socialism, and fieldwork. Finally, in the rubric for the works of students, we include an article about the relation between space and school experience, a photo essay exploring a family quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic in Belarus, and ethnographic fieldnotes from a Ukrainian Culture and Gastronomy Festival, 5 May 2022, Prague.
Please, find the full texts here.