Calls for PhD scholarships and PhD fellowships, Aarhus (Deadline: 01.10.2022)

Calls for PhD scholarships and PhD fellowships


Deadline: 01.10.2022

Attention: 5+3 fellowships (open call) only once a year

The graduate school at the Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University has previously announced open faculty financed SU PhD scholarships (4+4) and faculty financed PhD fellowships (5+3) twice a year (the “open call” where applicants can apply with their own project). The graduate school has decided to reduce the number of calls for faculty financed PhD fellowships (5+3) which means that as of 2023 it will only be possible to apply for these 5+3-fellowships once a year. The faculty will finance the same amount of 5+3-fellowships as previously, but will reduce the amount of calls/assessments from two to one per year.

The last time faculty financed 5+3-fellowships will be announced for an autumn call is for the deadline 1 October 2022 with an enrolment start on 1 February 2023. As of 2023 we will only announce faculty financed 5+3-fellowships in the spring.

More information here.

Job, NewsPenelope Braune