Publication: Two new issues of Popular Music History - Vol 14/2 & Vol 14/3
Two new issues of Popular Music History are out now:
Small cracks, complex structures: Trends and traditions in the historiography of the GDR’s popular music
Michael Rauhut, Beate Peter
Dixie and free Socialist ideologies of jazz
Helma Kaldewey
Irish rebel songs in the GDR
Popular culture and anti-imperialist resistance
Felix Morgenstern
Patterns of pop
The visual design of Amiga record covers as a source for GDR popular music historiography
Christina Dörfling, Martin Pfleiderer
Inside the tape recorder factory
Manufacturing and distributing music devices in 1950s and 1960s GDR
Benjamin Burkhart
Intent and reality: Driving forces in the development of popular music in the GDR
Michael Rauhut
To dance or not to dance? Aesthetic subversion of the body politic in the GDR
Beate Peter
Why doesn’t anyone write anything about Slade? Reassessing glam
Matthew Bannister
‘I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together’
Transmedia convergence of the Beatles’ psychedelic years (1966–1969)
Maxim Tvorun-Dunn
On the borders of ska: L@s Skagaler@s reappropriate ska music tropes for women’s reproductive rights in the South Texas music scene
Steven Stendebach