IASPM Journal - Call for Editor in Chief and Reviews Editor

Dear Fellow Members of IASPM,

 A number of key editorial positions at IASPM Journal are available for applications. You must apply no later than Monday the 24th of July 2022. (Please do not click return and email the whole IASPM email list). The editorial board will consider the various applications after the IASPM International Conference. If you want to submit your application after discussion at the conference, we will still consider your application.

 Several members of the editorial board, including the Editor-in-Chief Mary Fogarty, Assistant Editor Xavier Villanueva Capella, and Reviews Editor Richard Osborne, are stepping down. Raquel Campos has also finished her years of service to the journal as Assistant Editor. We would like to thank everyone for all of their hard work over the years, wishing them the best with their future research projects in popular music studies, and we are pleased to announce that Alex de Lacey and Eric Smialek have already begun their roles as Assistant Editors.

We are therefore seeking a new Editor-in-Chief, as well as a new Reviews Editor, who will work with current members of the team during a transition period of at least one issue publication. The incoming Editor-in-Chief is expected to begin their position by September 1st 2022. Our current Reviews Editor, Richard Osborne, will do a transition period over 2023 with the incoming Reviews Editor to start in January 2023.

We welcome both individual and joint applications from within the body of IASPM. In recent years IASPM Journal has been indexed and now has a new website look, as well as new software and design, which is much easier to navigate and user-friendly. The current editorial board team is robust, and we have new Associate Editors including Abigail Gardner, Simone Luci Pereira and Simon Zagorski-Thomas. Simone is leading up a new team within the editorial board, and in collaboration with our Translations Editor, Laura Jordán González, to increase internal structures for non-English publications in the journal. Abigail and Simon, our other Associate Editors, both have special issue projects in the works. All this to say, the team is set up to support growth and emerging opportunities under the leadership of a new Editor-in-Chief.

For both the Editor-in-Chief position, and Reviews Editor role, you should have editing experience, and an appropriate level of academic experience. We accept applications for this position from current and past editorial board members, Associate Editors, Assistant Editors and the general membership of IASPM. Branches underrepresented on our editorial board are encouraged to apply for these positions.

All IASPM editorial work is carried out online, via the OJS (Online Journal System), from the preliminary reading of submissions, the peer-review stage and editorial decision-making, to copyediting, layout and final proof reading.

Chief Editor:

  • Strategically coordinates the overall content of the journal. Works with the Editorial Board to edit the journal.

  • Has an overview of the field of popular music studies.

  • Has strong communication skills, the ability to motivate, and a working understanding of a multicultural contexts, preferably with good control of the English language, and at least one other IASPM branch language.

  • Has good organisational skills and can deliver to deadline.

  • The position is usually held for 4 years, plus a 6-month handing-over period.

  • Coordinates special topic issues and encourages article submissions.

  • Coordinates the editing responsibilities for various submissions, which are edited by special issue editors, members of the editorial board, or a specific member of the advisory board, depending on the required expertise.

  • Collaborates with the current Review Editor to align the overall issue content

  • Collaborates with the current Translation Editors to ensure strong non-English-language research in popular music studies is suitably translated for publication in English for international exposure.

  • Ensures the peer–review process is robust, clear and efficient

  • Co-ordinates the production schedule with support of an Assistant Editor, ensuring accepted articles are processed through copyedit and layout stages towards publication.

  • Liaises with the IASPM Executive to ensure technical support is in place, as well as editorial support towards a viable publication.

  • Delegates tasks to other members of the team, and chases up late reviews, submissions, and editing. 

Reviews Editor
The duties of the Review Editor will include:

  • Commissioning new reviews from internal and external reviewers

  • Managing the review timetable

  • Supporting reviewers to go beyond the traditional academic or journalistic review form and to create a thought-provoking critique

  • Chasing late reviews and managing deadlines

  • Providing editorial support and proofreading reviews before online publication

  • Producing ‘Reviewer Guidelines’

  • Working with the Editorial Board to add the review to the IASPM Journal website

  • Developing relationships with publishers

  • Keeping up-to-date on related publications, events, releases etc.

  • Working with the other Editors to develop the journal and to ensure opportunities for new and emerging writers/researchers

Please send your application by Monday the 24th of July 2022 to: Xavier Villanueva and Eric Smialek

The application should include a short CV, with a covering letter that indicates relevant experience. For the role of Chief Editor, include an outline of how you see the future of the journal within its remit of a multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural platform for the research work of IASPM members. If you are not sure, please do get in touch, and put your name forward anyway. We can discuss it with you further.

Many thanks,
IASPM Journal Editorial Board

NewsPenelope Braune