CfP: Everyday is Spatial: Creative Immersive Audio Practice, Gloucestershire (Deadline: 31.01.2022)

CfP: Everyday is Spatial: Creative Immersive Audio Practice

University of Gloucestershire


Deadline: 31.01.2022

Immersive Audio is making its presence felt as a mainstream format with recent global events driving forward the technology and demand.

Where once immersive audio might have been experiences that were exclusive in terms of access, and challenging to produce for anyone without specialist tools, we now find ourselves in a world populated by increasing availability of technologies for creative practitioners.

Populating this new ‘soundscape’ is now the question that can start to move beyond the confines of technology access and consider how ideas, concepts and practices afford the potential of new modes of auditory experience at a time when hearing, listening and connecting are vital to global change.

We welcome all practitioners working in this medium to share their experiences and ideas as works and discussion.

Themes can draw from any source in which immersive audio is a critical factor.

How immersive audio might be enabling your practice and research is the focus but broader thematic responses might consider:

  • Immersive Music Production - emerging practices

  • Audio Realism & Hyper-realism

  • Soundscape and renewed environmentalism

  • Immersive events - examples of immersive sound design for attended events

  • Spatial audio - communicating in the age of audio attention economies

The deadline to submit proposals is 31st January 2022

The proposals can be for presentations of works in the following format:

* Immersive audio works (20 mins max)

* Immersive audiovisual works (20mins max)

* Immersive audio presentations (10 mins + 10 mins for questions)

* Individual Papers (10 mins + 10 mins for questions).

* Group Sessions (90 Minutes) based around a topic and involving three or four contributors.

More information here.

CFP, NewsPenelope Braune