Conference: The Music of Carnival, online (2.-3.10.2021)

Invitation to the Symposium on the Music of Carnival
- an international online conference featuring scholarly presentations on a wide variety of carnival music traditions and theoretical topics.

02.-03.10.2021, online

Featuring a keynote presentation by Prof. Gage Averill and a musical workshop by Thaís Bezerra.
The symposium is organized in partnership between the Instituto de Etnomusicologia at Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal) and Ryerson University (Canada).

It will take place on October 2-3, 2021, see the program here.
Attendance is free. To register, please send an email to Andrew Snyder (asnyder[at] with "Carnival music registration" in the subject line. Sending that email will suffice for you to receive a program with relevant zoom links soon before the conference.

Conference, NewsPenelope Braune