Online Lecture Series: POPulism: Popular Culture and Populism, University of Groningen

Online lecture series POPulism on the intersections of popular culture and populism hosted by the University of Groningen - including lectures about popular music:

The first lecture in the series will be given by Mario Dunkel (University of Oldenburg), on Thursday 9 September (16:00 CEST) on the topic of "Listening for Populism in European Popular Music."

For registration (free but necessary) please contact: popandpopulism[at]

POPulism: Popular Culture and Populism is an interdisciplinary online lecture series that brings together leading international scholars and practitioners from different disciplinary backgrounds to give insights into the various forms of interactions between populism, the radical right, and popular culture.

Populism builds on a worldview based on the antagonistic opposition of ‘the good people' and the ‘corrupt elite’, and is often connected to ideologies such as nativism, misogyny, authoritarianism, and racism. In their attempt to redefine cultural hegemony, populists make use of cultural strategies; leaders, parties and movements often explicitly draw on popular cultural means to disseminate their ideologies, for instance, by using social media, internet memes, and computer games.

From popular music, performance, and celebrity politics, to normalization, online recruitment, and mobilization, the speakers of POPulism explore the relationship between culture and populism, unpacking how it can both promote and challenge populist and radical right discourses.

On twitter: @PopAndPopulism

More information and full programme here.


Dr Melanie Schiller (Media Studies & Popular Music) / Dr Léonie de Jonge (European Politics & Society) / Dr Elizaveta Gaufman (Russian Discourse & Politics)

The Groningen Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG); the Research Center for Arts in Society Research (AiS); the Research Centre for the Study of Democratic Cultures and Politics (DemCP) and the Research Project “Popular Music and the Rise of Populism in Europe” (financed by the Volkswagen Foundation).

NewsPenelope Braune