CfA: IASPM Journal Practice Based Research

Call for Articles: IASPM Journal Special Issue Practice Based Research

Deadline: 1st September 2021

Special Issue Editors: Laura Jordán González, Simon Zagorski-Thomas, Anthony Kwame Harrison, and Mary Fogarty

IASPM Journal is the peer-reviewed open-access e-journal of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM). As part of an international network, the journal aims to publish research and analysis in the field of popular music studies at both global and local levels.

The 21st century has seen a huge rise in practical and vocational courses in popular music, which is yet to be matched by a similar increase in research into and about practice. Philip Ewell’s plenary talk on ‘Music Theory’s White Racial Frame’ at the 2019 SMT conference made the point that it was not enough to look at a more culturally diverse range of repertoire through conventional theoretical lenses. It is also necessary to develop theory which goes beyond the practices and values of Western Art Music. Similar conceptual breadth should be applied to existing theories of performance, songwriting, the business of music and the uses of technology. This themed issue of the IASPM journal seeks to explore this practical turn in popular music studies through the aesthetics, the pragmatics and the politics of ‘doing’ popular music.

Proposals might include, but are not limited to:
• Music theory and pedagogy in popular music(s)
• Judgments of value or quality in popular music practice
• Movement, dance and the presentation of the persona
• Theorising virtuosity
• Using (and being used by) technology
• How can and/or should music make money?
• Theorising creativity
• Power and influence in popular music practices
• Modes of communicating popular music scholarship

To be considered for this Special Issue, please submit the following by September 1, 2021:
• an abstract of 150-250 words (plus references, if necessary)
• author name(s)
• institutional affiliations
• contact details
• a brief bio of no more than 150 words (which includes the author’s positionalities in relation to their topic)

Submissions should be entered via this online form (

If your abstract is accepted, we expect to receive the full article uploaded into the online submission by June 1, 2022, at

The issue will be published in early 2023.

See the journal site for further information regarding Submissions. Click here for a Style Guide.

NOTE: In order to submit to IASPM Journal you must be an IASPM member and registered as an author on the site.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the special issue editors at

More information here.

CFA, NewsPenelope Braune