Conference: Sound, Meaning, Education (online)

Invitation to the virtual conference Sound, Meaning, Education:
Conversations to be held on July 21, 2021.

This interdisciplinary conference explores how embodied knowledges of sound and musicalities unmediated by western musical notation might bear on teaching and learning at any level and within any context. Scholars across the disciplines will discuss how sound studies has impacted their work and field, and begin connecting that work to education, with particular attention to fostering inclusive engagement with sound and music.

Conversants include: Jonathan Sterne, Robin James, Nina Eidsheim, Pamela Burnard, David Elliott, Jessica Bissett Perea, Nicole Furlonge, Mark Katz, Guillermo Galindo among many others. Free and open to all.

For more information go to:

For the zoom link, send an email to: rebeccarinsema (at) gmail (dot) com
Affiliates: NAU & Western University