Conference: IASPM-Canada 2021: Big Sounds from Small Places (online)

IASPM-Canada 2021: Big Sounds from Small Places (Virtual Conference)

The conference runs over six days:

Thursday, June 10
Friday, June 11
Saturday, June 12
Tuesday, June 15
Wednesday, June 16
Thursday, June 17

More information on the conference website here.

Keynote this year is Alexa Woloshyn (Canegie Mellon University) with her talk, "Unsettling Sounds of Indigeneity: Reckoning with the White Possessive and Building Anti-/De-colonial Solidarity in Popular Music Research."

 As always, there is a great selection of panels this year, with a variety of social and entertainment events distributed throughout, including a film screening and Q&A with the director, a book launch, and a graduate student workshop. All details can be found on the website/ the conference schedule.