Conference: Afro-Futurism. Arena Rap. The Self-Producer. A Popular Music Research Day

Time, place and registration:

Tuesday 25 May 2021, 1-5 pm London time

Zoom (details on registration)

Join for an interactive Popular Music Studies Research Day with renowned speakers Laina Dawes, Steve Waksman and Paula Wolfe. Register here:

Join us for an interactive Popular Music Studies Research Day with renowned speakers Laina Dawes, Steve Waksman and Paula Wolfe to discuss: what it means to be a black artist, the advent of arena rap, and the poetry of the recording studio.

Fugitive Ontology and Black Static: Afro-Pessimism vs. Afro-Futurism in Popular Music

Laina Dawes: Columbia University. Author of What Are You Doing Here? A Black Woman’s Life and Liberation in Heavy Metal (Bazillion Points)

Rock, Rap, and Race in the U.S. Concert Industry

Steve Waksman: Smith College. Author of Instruments of Desire: The Electric Guitar and the Shaping of Musical Experience (Harvard University Press) and This Ain’t the Summer of Love: Conflict and Crossover in Heavy Metal and Punk (University of California Press)

Songwriting, Music Production, Self-Production: Locating the Emotion, Maintaining the Objective, Positioning Genre

Paula Wolfe: Author of Women in the studio: creativity, control and gender in popular music sound production (Routledge)


If you wish to speak to us about any additional needs for attending the event, we would be happy to hear from you. Please get in touch with Rosemary: r.l.hill @


University of Huddersfield’s Popular Music Studies Research Group and the Centre for Music Culture and Identity in collaboration with the International Association for the Study of Popular Music’s (IASPM), UK & Ireland branch.

This event follows on from our earlier successful events: the ‘Practice Based and Led Popular Music Studies Research Symposium’ (2017) and the ‘Crosstown Traffic’ conference (2018).

Questions and further enquiries

Dr Rosemary Hill ( Director of the Popular Music Studies Research Group, University of Huddersfield.

Dr Jan Herbst (J.Herbst @ Director of the Centre for Music, Culture and Identity, University of Huddersfield.

More information here.