Dancecult Vol 13 No 1

Dancecult Vol 13 No 1 (2021). Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture

Dancecult is a peer-reviewed, open-access e-journal for the study of electronic dance music culture (EDMC). A platform for interdisciplinary scholarship on the shifting terrain of EDMCs worldwide, the journal houses research exploring the sites, technologies, sounds and cultures of electronic music in historical and contemporary perspectives. To get started, register here. Join the Dancecult-l mailing list. Visit the Dancecult Facebook Page.

Dancecult is an activity of the Dancecult Research Network whose webportal features a moderated user-updatable reference archive with EDMC researcher profiles and resource lists. Note. When the DRN webportal was re-launched in June 2018, all profiles and references archived in 2010 were migrated. Please update profiles and submit entries to the People & References lists (under Resources).

Download the 2021 volume here.

News, PublicationPenelope Braune