CfP: Twelfth Biennial International Conference on Music Since 1900 (Deadline: 20. December 2021)

Call for Papers, Posters and Compositions
Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, 17th-20th June 2022

Deadline for proposals:
Midnight, end of Monday 20th December 2021 (UK time)

Keynote Speaker 1: Joseph N. Straus
Keynote Speaker 2: tbc

The Twelfth Biennial International Conference on Music Since 1900 will take place at Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, 17th to 20th June 2022. At this stage, the intention is that the conference will be in-person, but with provision made for those who may be unable to travel.

The theme of the biennial conference is music since 1900 in its broadest sense, and the programming policy is to reflect music produced during the 20th and 21st centuries in all its diversity. Proposals are warmly invited on any musical genre, repertoire or discipline from the past twelve decades, including:

  • Popular traditions

  • Jazz

  • Global musics

  • Concert-hall repertoire

  • Composition research

  • Experimental and avant-garde musical practice

  • Music on stage and screen

  • Performance and reception studies

  • Music and technology

Proposals are welcome drawing upon any scholarly approach, including interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary perspectives. The conference will include a programme of concerts and activities featuring a diverse range of music created since 1900.

We ask that all those sending proposals give an initial indication of whether, as things currently stand, they prefer to attend in-person or online. This is not a commitment to attend in that way and will play no part in assessing the proposals. It is merely to provide an indication of preferences for planning purposes.

Proposals are accepted for the following presentation formats:

1. Individual papers (20-minute papers plus 10-minute questions)

Please send an abstract of up to 250 words, including paper title, name of author and email contact address, to [MS1900[at]] Please make your surname the first word of the document filename (e.g. Smith-paper.doc).

2. Posters (A1 format)

These are particularly encouraged for early-career researchers and/or projects in their early stages. Please send a proposal of up to 200 words to [MS1900[at]]  Brief visual sketches may also be submitted, but are not absolutely required. All materials should be included in a single document, with your surname as the first word of the filename followed by the title of the piece (e.g. Smith-poster.pdf).

3. Panels (three or four papers, each 20 minutes maximum with 10 minutes discussion).

Please send a panel description of 100-150 words plus abstracts of up to 250 words for each paper, including panel title and paper titles, names of authors of each paper, and name and email contact address of panel convenor, to [MS1900[at]] Please make your surname the first word of the document filename (e.g. Smith-panel.doc).

4. Performance-based presentations (45 minutes* including questions)

These should take the form of a research presentation with a significant live performance component, and may be presented by one or more people. *In exceptional cases, a longer duration than 45 minutes will be considered if warranted by the inherent nature of the work/research. Please send a session proposal of 300-400 words, including session title, name of participant(s) and repertoire along with name and email contact address of session convenor, as an attachment to [MS1900[at]]. Please make your surname the first word of the document filename (e.g. Smith-performance.doc).

5. Self-Presented/Performed Compositions (up to 20 minutes* plus discussion)

Composers are invited to submit proposals for self-presented/performed works, whether score-based or other formats, including projects and electro-acoustic composition. Works should normally be no more than 20 minutes in duration, and can be significantly shorter. *In exceptional cases, a longer duration will be considered if warranted by the inherent nature of the work/research. Scores, etc. should be submitted electronically as a pdf document to [MS1900[at]] with your surname as the first word of the filename followed by the title of the piece (e.g. Smith-Etude.pdf). A second document should be submitted with a brief (no more than 250 words) articulation of the research residing within the work, as well as your name and contact email address and any particular technical requirements/resources.

CFP, NewsHelene Heuser