Conference: 13th International Jazz Research Conference "Jazz Re:Search in 21st-Century Academia and Beyond" (18.-21.11.2021, Graz)

Conference: 13th International Jazz Research Conference "Jazz Re:Search in 21st-Century Academia and Beyond"


Institute for Jazz Research / International Society for Jazz Research, University of Music and Performing Arts Graz

Founded in 1971, the Institute for Jazz Research at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (KUG) is a historic cornerstone of academic jazz research. Along with similar institutions, like the Rutgers University Institute of Jazz Studies (founded 1966), the Institute helped to pave the way for and profoundly shape the discipline known as “jazz studies”, bearing witness to its transformation from a decidedly musicological to an inter-, even transdisciplinary investigation into what has been understood as jazz in their respective times.

Not only have the people, practices, sounds and settings of jazz changed considerably since then, developments such as the increasingly capitalist character of academia, the globalization of knowledge and the blurring of disciplinary boundaries continue to influence the present and future of jazz studies.

Confirmed Keynote Speakers
Nichole T. Rustin (Rhode Island School of Design)
Walter van de Leur (University of Amsterdam / Conservatorium van Amsterdam)

The conference is open to delegates according to the “3G Rule”: Upon the entry of our university buildings you have to register via smartphone or manually and then present evidence at our conference office that you have been vaccinated, or tested (antigen: on a daily basis; PCR: 48 h; a test station is just in front of the conference venue) or recovered from Covid. In the circulation areas of our university buildings, wearing a FFP2-mask is compulsory. The “3 G Rule” also applies also to anyone wanting to visit restaurants, hotels or take part in other events.

The conference will be held together with the 41st Radio Jazz Research Conference that discusses the work of internationally renowned musician and musicologist Ekkehard Jost, themed “Social History in Jazz”. Jost willed his musicological and musical estate to the Institute for Jazz Research, where the “Ekkehard Jost Archive” will be officially opened during the conference.

More information here.

Conference, NewsPenelope Braune