CfA: Transposition: "Musical Forms of Socialization"

CfA: Transposition: "Musical Forms of Socialization"

Deadline: 10.01.2022

Transposition. Musique et sciences sociales

Transposition is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal, supported and co-published by the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) and the Cité de la musique-Philharmonie de Paris. Transposition considers music and sound research at the intersection of the humanities and social sciences, in particular through the exploration of cross-disciplinary themes. Addressing the significance of music in the understanding of human societies, the journal seeks to examine how societies conceive, establish and stage their musical, sonic and listening practices. Transposition promotes open research, publishing original articles, commentaries and reviews in open access under a Creative Commons license. As member of OpenEdition Journals, Transposition is indexed in the Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM) and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). For its tenth issue, Transposition will explore the theme of “flops” in music.

Call for papers No. 11 (2023): “Musical Forms of Socialization”

Editors: Rémi Deslyper, Irina Kirchberg and Alexandre Robert

How are different ways of making and thinking music acquired? In what frameworks and by what means do these forms of learning unfold? Who are their agents and in what ways are they mediated?

Studying different forms of socialization – understood here as the processes by which individuals are (trans)formed by the social world – is a particularly interesting starting point for exploring the social rootedness of musical practices, including those that may seem the most intimate or private, the most solitary or personal. The intent here is to examine the institutional and relational conditions that make these practices objectively possible, and to describe the dynamic succession of steps and interactions by which they take shape.

The aim of this issue of Transposition is two-fold: first, to examine the particularities of musical socialization processes – which in turn are connected to fields with their own singular histories, and to activities with their own distinct characteristics – and, second, to grasp what musical practices can tell us in general about different types of socialization, including looking into the unique form of knowledge known as ‘bodily knowledge’ (‘connaissance par corps’), and thereby ‘denaturalizing’ a number of phenomena, such as practical know-how, attachments, emotions, etc.

Although reflection and studies on socialization processes have been assumed primarily by sociological research traditions, this call for papers aims to transcend the borders of the academic sphere of music studies, and thus is equally addressed to (ethno)musicologists, sociologists, historians, anthropologists, didacticians and cognitive science researchers. Indeed, musical socialization processes are a sort of crossroads-subject, calling for a plurality of insights from different disciplines – as long as they are based on empirical data.

Terms of submission

Articles proposals, either in French or English (~1500-2500 characters including spaces, not counting the bibliography), should be sent by 10 January 2022 to: transposition.submission @

Full articles will be required by 15 June 2022. In addition to the contributions for the thematic section, Transposition is accepting submissions for the Varia section.

More information here.

CFA, NewsPenelope Braune