Conference: IASPM Early Career Researcher Conference (21.10.2021, online)

Conference: IASPM Early Career Researcher Conference



Registration is now open for the IASPM Early Career Researcher Conference, which aims to bring together scholars with new and exciting ideas to discuss and share their work at the vanguard of popular music studies. These emerging scholars address a number of current concerns in popular music, from online composition to posthumous fame and musical ecologies of grief. The conference will be streamed live on October 21st 2021, from 4:30pm-8:30pm GMT.

It will feature the work of six scholars across two panels. This is then followed by the IASPM UK and EIRE contribution to the IASPM Global Lecture series, presented by Hammad Rashid.


Musical ecologies of grief: Extinctions, breath, and climate justice in the UK
Rowan Hawitt, University of Edinburgh.

Lady Day on screen: What can the divided reception of The United States vs. Billie Holiday tell us about the current state of posthumous fame for women?
Alice Masterson, University of York.

“I’m a feminist, do you hate me?”: Performance of Feminisms by Sajsi MC
Adriana Sabo, Postgraduate School ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana.

Type Beats and The Commodification of “Signature Sounds” in Hip-Hop Production
Zach Diaz, University of Bristol.

On the Centrality of Riffs: How YouTube Is Changing How Popular Musicians Learn
Kayla Rush, Dublin City University.

“Noise Cocktail”: Aspects of perceived rhythm and pulse in performers of arrhythmic ‘Japanoise’ music
Ila Zbarsky, University of Victoria, British Columbia.

An analytical approach for practice-based research of the compositional process.
James Bell, University of West London.

Collaborative Music Production on Live Streaming.
Hammad Rashid, University of West London.

4:30–4:45pm Welcome, Professor Simon Zagorski-Thomas (IASPM UK President)
4:45–5:45pm Session 1: Futures, Legacies, Representations (Hawitt, Masterson, Sabo) Chair Dr Beate Peter
5:45-6:00 BREAK
6:00-7:15pm Session 2: Process, Production and Performance (Bell, Diaz, Rush, Zbarsky) Chair Professor Simon Zagorski-Thomas
7:00-7:15 BREAK
7:30-8:30 Keynote Presentation (Rashid) Chair Dr Alex de Lacey
8:30 Close

Registration is here

If you have any questions about the event, please e-mail the conference organiser Dr Alex de Lacey (Goldsmiths, University of London) via the conference e-mail: ecrconf @

More information here.

Conference, NewsPenelope Braune