CfP: Nordic Metal Music Seminar, July 11-12, 2019 at Kitee, Finland

Subdiscipline known as Metal Music Studies has been widely represented in various academic circles for at least last ten years. Among other topics for reflection, there is often a problem of the opposition between the global and the local in metal music industry and the question about the influence of local contests on representatives of particular geographical and cultural areas.

As part of our seminar we would like to discuss the case of Nordic metal music: the specificity of the metal culture in Finland (often colloquially called “the heart of the global metal community”) and in Scandinavian countries. We want to consider the phenomenon of Nordic metal from the point of Culture Studies, Anthropology, Sociology, Musicology, Literature and Film Studies, taking into account noticeable common tendencies as well as the work of individual artists.

The seminar will take place on July 11-12, 2019 at Kiteen Evankelinen Kansanopisto (Kitee, Finland), in a hometown of one of the most famous Finnish metal bands Nightwish.
The organizers are: MUTE: Popular Music Studies project (Poland), Faculty of Polish Studies (Jagiellonian University of Krakow), International Institute for Popular Culture (University of Turku), and Kitee International Music and Art Festival (Finland).

The keynote speaker: Toni-Matti Karjalainen (Aalto University School of Business).

We encourage all the academics who are interested in this topic to send their proposals of papers to the email address: nordicmetal2019(at) by March 31, 2019. It should comprise 500-word abstract, your full name and affiliation.

We offer you to consider the following issues:

— The history of metal music in Finland and Scandinavian countries – sources and inspirations (foreign bands, classical music, blues, rock’n’roll, hard rock); precursors – creators – followers;
— The genology of the Finnish and Scandinavian metal scene — labeling of
“heavy” music (symphonic metal, power metal, pre metal, heavy metal, speed, thrash, black, death, progressive, nu metal, etc.) – cultural genres;
— The poetics of song texts, intertexts and “high culture” influences; language of the expression – native or English;
— Rock/metal from the national and intercultural perspective; the specific role of native culture;
— The role of voice in metal music – “voice” interpretation of texts;
— Metal covers (inc. classical music, Christmas songs, etc.)
— Fan communities, metalheads – metal reception, “metal personality”, communities;
— Metal subculture in Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark — stereotypes — ideologies;
— Metal music toward religion controversies – is it still a problem?
— Rock and metal documentary films/(auto) biographies;
— The iconography – aesthetics of album covers – logotypes; correspondence of the arts;
— Video clips of metal bands, live recorders;
— Artists’ biographies – (auto) biographical narratives;
— Performing rites – concerts, festivals, “live” and “liveness”;
— Metal culture toward new media – social networks, blogosphere, etc.
— Contemporary music industry in Nordic countries;
— The organization of metal events – concerts, festivals, fans’ meetings;
— Semiotic components of metal media and research methods of metal culture phenomena: multidisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity perspective, Metal Music Studies.

The decision of acceptance will be notified by April 30, 2019 and the programme of the event will be announced by the end of May.

There is a plan to develop selected papers for an edited collection of refereed proceedings. This will be published at the IIPC Online Series:

There is no seminar registration fee; however we will provide lunch and coffee breaks during the event. Participants can book the accommodation at school where the seminar will take place. They are also invited to take part in different culture and music events during Kitee International Music and Art Festival 2019.

Organizing Committee: Anna Svetlova (Jagiellonian University of Krakow), Konrad Sierzputowski (Jagiellonian University of Krakow), Jakub Kosek (Pedagogical University of Krakow), Andrzej Juszczyk (Jagiellonian University of Krakow), Kimi Kärki (University of Turku), Elise Nevala (University of Oulu), Eeva Nygren (University of Turku, KIMAF), Plamen Dimov (KIMAF).