Conference: Sound and music in the prism of sound studies Paris

We are delighted to announce the program of the upcoming international conference Sound and Music in the Prism of Sound Studies, to be held in Paris (24-26 January, 2019). The event is organized by the CRAL (EHESS / CNRS), Columbia University and the CNSMDP, with the support of PSL Université. 

Keynote speakers: Karin Bijsterveld (Maastricht University), Lydia Goehr (Columbia University), and Brian Kane (Yale University).

Conference programme
Conference trailer

Venues: Reid Hall (Columbia Global Centers, 4 rue de Chevreuse, Paris, 75006) and Amphithéâtre François Furet (EHESS, 105, bd Raspail, Paris, 75006).

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season and looking forward to seeing many of you in Paris,