CfP: GMM-Modul beim Research Networking Day CTM FESTIVAL - PERSISTENCE
In Kooperation mit der Abteilung Musikwissenschaft der Humboldt Universität und dem Studiengang Populäre Musik und Medien der Universtität Paderborn findet im Rahmen des CTM Festival for Adventurous Music and Art der Research Networking Day statt.
Aus den Einreichungen wird ein GMM Modul für Musikwirtschafts- und Musikkulturforschung zusammengestellt. Wir regen alle Studierenden und Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen an einen Beitrag einzureichen und bitten alle um eine breite Streuung des Calls.
Call for Papers (Application deadline: 2 December 2018)
The Research Networking Day (RND) is an exchange platform for students and researchers from different European graduate and postgraduate programmes traversing the fields of audio, arts, media, design, and related theoretical disciplines.
The RND 2019 open call seeks innovative and critical submissions from all areas of study addressing the scope of CTM 2019’s Persistence theme. We invite students and junior scholars to present their research at an international platform that provides a good opportunity to meet various colleagues and researchers working on related ideas.
Persons pursuing higher levels of research/studies are also welcome to submit a proposal.
The selected candidates will give short presentations (10 min.) within different modules, linked by discussion rounds and completed by a closing discussion at the end of the day. Presentations should take place in English.